Billionaire Island Cult of Dogs 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载

1400 2022-11-17 15:02:32

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期待已久的回归“不仅控诉了那1%的人,而且控诉了使他们得以生存的人们和经济体系,这一系列既令人愤怒又歇斯底里地搞笑”(漫画节奏)。这一年是2046年,在亿万富翁岛(Billionaire Island)沦陷两年后,世界经济也随之沦陷。现在只有一个人——狗能救我们。但是商务狗在哪里?
The long-awaited return of the "series that's simultaneously infuriating and hysterically funny in its indictment of not just the 1%, but of the people-and the economic system-that enable them" (Comics Beat). The year is 2046, two years after Billionaire Island fell -- taking the world's economy with it. Only one man-er, dog -- can save us now. But where is Business Dog?


Billionaire Island Cult of Dogs 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载,Billionaire-Island-v02---Cult-of-Dogs-001-000.jpg
Billionaire Island Cult of Dogs 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载,Billionaire-Island-v02---Cult-of-Dogs-001-002.jpg
Billionaire Island Cult of Dogs 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载,Billionaire-Island-v02---Cult-of-Dogs-001-003.jpg
Billionaire Island Cult of Dogs 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载,Billionaire-Island-v02---Cult-of-Dogs-001-004.jpg
Billionaire Island Cult of Dogs 第1册 漫画 百度网盘下载,Billionaire-Island-v02---Cult-of-Dogs-001-005.jpg

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